sábado, 5 de setembro de 2009

Stanford University

The Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS)
Questions concerning SPILS should be directed to graduate.admissions@law.stanford.edu.
Areas of Concentration:
Law, Legal Institutions, and Civil Society, including such areas as the sociology of law and legal practice, rule of law, human rights, women's issues, and the dynamics and reform of domestic, regional and international legal systems.
Academic Program
SPILS fellows must complete a minimum of 26 units of study during the academic year (including the required five units of Directed Research in the Spring semester) and are required to be in residence for one academic year (nine months).
Each SPILS fellow must complete an intensive research project designed to result in a significant contribution to the scholarly literature or policy debate in his or her area of concentration.
Core Seminars
SPILS fellows are required to take the following core program courses:
Law and Society Seminar (3 Units, Fall)
SPILS Research Methods Workshop (4 Units, Fall; 3 Units, Spring)
In addition to the required SPILS seminars and workshops and the directed research for their theses (5 Units, Spring), SPILS candidates take three to five advanced courses or seminars offered by Stanford Law School or by Stanford University's other graduate departments or professional schools.
Informações sobre o personal statement:

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